Unequal Democracies: Croatia

Who is (not) represented in the Croatian parliament?

This country report analyses the social composition of the Croatian parliament (Sabor) along the parameters gender, age, education and occupational backgrounds and draws some lessons on how to increase representation of underrepresented groups in Croatian politics and parliament.

Published: 10 April 2024

Launch & Discussion on 10 April 2024 in Zagreb.

Download the report in Croatian

Hrvatska tko (ni)je zastupljen u saboru?

Puh, Ivan

Hrvatska tko (ni)je zastupljen u saboru?

Vienna, 2024

Download publication (550 KB, PDF-File)

Who does (not) vote in Croatia?

This country report puts Croatian turnout levels in comparative perspectives, presents a novel data set about Croatian non-voters and draws some lessons on how to run election campaigns that target non-voters.

Published: 11 March 2024

Launch & Discussion on 12 March 2024 in Zagreb. More info...

Key Findings

Croatia has the fourth lowest turnout rate in Europe

Who are the Croatian non-voters?

Recommendations: Decrease voting age to 16

Download Report in English and Croatian

Who does (not) vote in Croatia?

Vuksan-Ćusa, Bartul; Jennewein, Michael

Who does (not) vote in Croatia?

Vienna, 2024

Download publication (640 KB, PDF-File)

Tko (ne) glasa u Hrvatskoj?

Vuksan-Ćusa, Bartul; Jennewein, Michael

Tko (ne) glasa u Hrvatskoj?

Vienna, 2024

Download publication (860 KB, PDF-File)



Ö1 Journal um 8 • Michael Jennewein



ORF • Michael Jennewein



Ungleiche Demokratien Länderbericht • Michael Jennewein


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Unequal Democracies