
Our polarization study is featured in Politico's Brussels Playbook

Politico Brussels Playbook • 30.09.2022

Our polarization study is featured in this morning‘s Brussels Playbook of Politico Europe!

"European citizens still believe in democracy — but are willing to put their respect for democratic norms to the side once identity policies come into play. That’s one of the findings of new research from German political foundation Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung and presented at the Institute for Human Sciences in Vienna this week.The research, which was undertaken in countries as diverse as Germany, Sweden and Ukraine, found that issues like same-sex marriage and immigration top the poll when it comes to voters’ concerns, with citizens more likely to accept a flouting of democratic norms if their preferred identity-politics issues are addressed by politicians. Supporters of far-right parties are the least willing to punish undemocratic behavior by their elected representatives, according to the data."

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