FES Publications on Democracy worldwide

Italia diseguale

Fina, Stefan; Heider, Bastian; Prota, Francesco

Italia diseguale

Disparità socioeconomiche regionali in Italia
Rom, 2021

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Left behind by the working class?

Abou-Chadi, Tarik; Mitteregger, Reto; Mudde, Cas

Left behind by the working class?

Social democracy's electoral crisis and the rise of the radical right
Berlin, 2021

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România inegală

Fina, Stefan; Heider, Bastian; Raţ, Cristina

România inegală

Disparităţile socio-economice regionale din România
Bucharest, 2021

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An inegalitarian France

Le Bras, Hervé; Warnant, Achille

An inegalitarian France

Regional socio-economic disparities in France
Stockholm;Paris, 2021

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Unequal Finland

Unequal Finland

Regional socio-economic disparities in Finland
Stockholm, 2021

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Eriarvoisuuksien Suomi

Eriarvoisuuksien Suomi

Alueelliset sosioekonomiset erot Manner-Suomessa
Stockholm, 2021

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Democracy and the state of emergency

Kacarska, Simonida; Milacic, Filip

Democracy and the state of emergency

Functioning of institutions in times of crisis
Belgrade, 2021

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Transformation of the left

Kitschelt, Herbert; Häusermann, Silja

Transformation of the left

Strategic options for social democratic parties
Berlin, 2021

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Transformation of the left

Transformation of the left

The resonance of progressive programs among the potential social democratic electorate
Berlin, 2021

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Transformation of the left

Transformation of the left

The myth of voter losses to the radical right
Berlin, 2021

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(Unheard) calls for democracy from below

Pudar Draško, Gazela; Džihć, Vedran; Kmezić, Marko

(Unheard) calls for democracy from below

Social and protest movements and potentials for democratic renewal
Sarajevo, 2020

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Enhancing the EU's democratic legitimacy

Plottka, Julian; Müller, Manuel

Enhancing the EU's democratic legitimacy

Short and long-term avenues to reinforce parliamentary and participative democracy at the EU level
Brussels, 2021

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Citizen participation during the Covid-19 pandemic

Falanga, Roberto

Citizen participation during the Covid-19 pandemic

Insights from local practices in European cities
Lisbon, 2020

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Youth, structured dialogue and EU integration

Peci, Dafina; Gezka, Ergys

Youth, structured dialogue and EU integration

A remarkable and sustainable path
Tirana, 2020

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Human rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina 25 years after "Dayton"

Lučka, Dejan

Human rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina 25 years after "Dayton"

(The reemdy for the bloody conflict as today's ground for human rights)
Sarajevo, 2020

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On the perils of popular presidential elections

Bértoa, Fernando Casal

On the perils of popular presidential elections

Tbilisi, 2020

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[On the perils of popular presidential elections]

Bértoa, Fernando Casal

[On the perils of popular presidential elections]

Tbilisi, 2020

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Radical political engagement in Southeast Europe

Radical political engagement in Southeast Europe

Sarajevo, 2020

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Verändert die Krise das Parteiensystem?

Schroeder, Wolfgang; Ten Elsen, Jennifer

Verändert die Krise das Parteiensystem?

Berlin, 2020

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Werden rechtspopulistische und -extremistische Kräfte in der Krise erstarken?

Mannewitz, Tom

Werden rechtspopulistische und -extremistische Kräfte in der Krise erstarken?

Berlin, 2020

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