
Croatia: Who does (not) have a seat in parliament?

Puh, Ivan

Croatia: Who does (not) have a seat in parliament?

Vienna, 2024

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Identity, partisanship, polarization

Identity, partisanship, polarization

How democratically elected politicians get away with autocratizing Hungary ; Detail analysis Hungary
Vienna, 2024

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Österreich: Wer sitzt (nicht) im Parlament?

Jennewein, Michael

Österreich: Wer sitzt (nicht) im Parlament?

Eine Analyse der sozialen Repräsentation des österreichischen Nationalrats in der Legislaturperiode 2019-2024
Vienna, 2024

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Hrvatska tko (ni)je zastupljen u saboru?

Puh, Ivan

Hrvatska tko (ni)je zastupljen u saboru?

Vienna, 2024

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Who does (not) vote in Croatia?

Vuksan-Ćusa, Bartul; Jennewein, Michael

Who does (not) vote in Croatia?

Vienna, 2024

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Tko (ne) glasa u Hrvatskoj?

Vuksan-Ćusa, Bartul; Jennewein, Michael

Tko (ne) glasa u Hrvatskoj?

Vienna, 2024

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Identität, Parteibindung, Polarisierung

Identität, Parteibindung, Polarisierung

Wie es demokratisch gewählten Politiker ̲innen gelingt, ihr Land zu autokratisieren ; Detailanalyse Deutschland
Wien, 2024

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New ways of analysing the vicious cycle of wealth disparities and political power

Borghetto, Enrico

New ways of analysing the vicious cycle of wealth disparities and political power

Bonn, 2023

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Are democratic innovations better at breaking the link between inequality and democracy?

Walker-Dawson, Carly

Are democratic innovations better at breaking the link between inequality and democracy?

Bonn, 2023

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White christian nationalism and the threat to American democracy

Gorski, Philip S.

White christian nationalism and the threat to American democracy

Bonn, 2023

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Identität, Parteibindung, Polarisierung

Identität, Parteibindung, Polarisierung

Wie es demokratisch gewählten Politiker ̲innen gelingt, ihr Land zu autokratisieren
Wien, 2023

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Jugendstudie Persönlicher Optimismus, nationaler Pessimismus, Vertrauen in Europa

Jugendstudie Persönlicher Optimismus, nationaler Pessimismus, Vertrauen in Europa

2023 ; Ein Vergleich der Werte, Einstellungen und Pläne junger Menschen in der Tschechischen Republik, Estland, Ungarn, Lettland, Litauen, Polen und der Slowakei
Bonn, 2023

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Jugendstudie Persönlicher Optimismus, nationaler Pessimismus, Vertrauen in Europa

Jugendstudie Persönlicher Optimismus, nationaler Pessimismus, Vertrauen in Europa

2023 ; Ein Vergleich der Werte, Einstellungen und Pläne junger Menschen in der Tschechischen Republik, Estland, Ungarn, Lettland, Litauen, Polen und der Slowakei
Bonn, 2023

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Youth study Personal optimism, national pessimism, trust in Europe

Youth study Personal optimism, national pessimism, trust in Europe

2023 ; A comparison of values, attitues and plans of young people in the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Slovakia
Bonn, 2023

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Youth study Personal optimism, national pessimism, trust in Europe

Youth study Personal optimism, national pessimism, trust in Europe

2023 ; A comparison of values, attitues and plans of young people in the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Slovakia
Bonn, 2023

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Reviving youth participation for democracy

Negrescu, Victor

Reviving youth participation for democracy

Bonn, 2023

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Reducing pernicious polarization

McCoy, Jennifer

Reducing pernicious polarization

Bonn, 2023

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Youth study Growing up in Central Eastern Europe

Youth study Growing up in Central Eastern Europe

2022 ; An international comparison of the living conditions of young people in Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia
Bonn, 2022

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Youth study Growing up in Central Eastern Europe

Youth study Growing up in Central Eastern Europe

2022 ; An international comparison of the living conditions of young people in Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia
Bonn, 2022

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Youth study Czechia

Youth study Czechia

2021 ; Secure presence, challenging future ; Executive summary
Bonn, 2022

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Česká mládež v roce 2021

Česká mládež v roce 2021

2021 ; Bezpečná přítomnost, náročná budoucnost
Bonn, 2022

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Youth study Czechia

Jungwirth, Matěj; Kratochvíl, Martin; Buchtík, Martin

Youth study Czechia

2021 ; Secure presence, challenging future
Bonn, 2022

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Česká mládež v roce 2021

Jungwirth, Matěj; Kratochvíl, Martin; Buchtík, Martin

Česká mládež v roce 2021

2021 ; Bezpečná přítomnost, náročná budoucnost
Bonn, 2022

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Eşitsiz demokrasiler: Parlamentoda kimler otur(m)uyor?

Schäfer, Armin; Elsässer, Lea

Eşitsiz demokrasiler: Parlamentoda kimler otur(m)uyor?

Beş AGİT ülkesinde parlamentonun sosyal yapısı
Vienna, 2022

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Identity, partisanship, polarization

Identity, partisanship, polarization

How democratically elected politicians get away with autocratizing their country
Vienna, 2022

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Młodzi ludzie w Polsce

Kajta, Justyna; Mrozowicki, Adam

Młodzi ludzie w Polsce

2020/2021 ; Między rozczarowaniem państwem a nadzieją na lepsze życie
Bonn, 2022

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Ungleiche Demokratien: wer geht (nicht) wählen?

Elsässer, Lea; Schäfer, Armin; Wenker, Jonas

Ungleiche Demokratien: wer geht (nicht) wählen?

Die Entwicklung der Wahlbeteiligung im OSZE-Raum seit 1970
Wien, 2022

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Unequal democracies: who does (not) vote?

Elsässer, Lea; Schäfer, Armin; Wenker, Jonas

Unequal democracies: who does (not) vote?

Voter turnout trends in the OSCE region since 1970 : A translation of the German orginal "Wer geht (nicht) wählen?"
Wien, 2022

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Ungleiche Demokratien: wer sitzt (nicht) im Parlament?

Elsässer, Lea; Schäfer, Armin

Ungleiche Demokratien: wer sitzt (nicht) im Parlament?

Die soziale Zusammensetzung der Parlamente in fünf OSZE-Ländern
Wien, 2022

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Unequal democracies: who does (not) have a seat in parliament?

Elsässer, Lea; Schäfer, Armin

Unequal democracies: who does (not) have a seat in parliament?

The social composition of Parliaments in five OSCE countries : A translation of the German orginal "Wer sitzt (nicht) im Parlament?"
Vienna, 2022

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Youth study Baltic countries

Youth study Baltic countries

Bonn, 2022

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Young people in Poland

Kajta, Justyna; Mrozowicki, Adam

Young people in Poland

2020/2021 ; Between disappointment with the state and hope for a better life
Bonn, 2022

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Youth study Hungary

Bíró-Nagy, András; Szabó, Andrea

Youth study Hungary

2021 ; Discontent. Polarisation. Pro-Europeanism
Bonn, 2022

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Understanding right-wing populism and what to do about it

Halikiopoulou, Daphne; Vlandas, Tim

Understanding right-wing populism and what to do about it

Vienna, 2022

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Youth study Slovakia

Baboš, Pavol; Világi, Aneta

Youth study Slovakia

2021 ; Dissatisfied but not leaving
Bonn, 2022

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Power from the people?

Foley, Frances

Power from the people?

Citizensʿ assemblies in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland
London, 2022

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Political representation of women in Romania

Băluţă, Ionela; Tufiş, Claudiu

Political representation of women in Romania

Bucharest, 2022

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Skupštine građana

Merkel, Wolfgang; Milačić, Filip; Schäfer, Andreas

Skupštine građana

Novi načini za demokratizaciju demokracije

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Ungleiches Europa

Hacker, Björn

Ungleiches Europa

Regionale Disparitäten in der EU überwinden
Stockholm, 2021

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Ebavõrdne Eesti

Fina, Stefan; Heider, Bastian; Masso, Märt

Ebavõrdne Eesti

Piirkondlikud sotsiaalmajanduslikud erinevused Eestis
Riga, 2021

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Making the most of transnational lists

Müller, Manuel

Making the most of transnational lists

Electoral equality at EU level through proportional compensation
Brussels, 2021

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Citizens' assemblies

Merkel, Wolfgang; Milačić, Filip; Schäfer, Andreas

Citizens' assemblies

New ways to democratize democracy
Vienna, 2021

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Merkel, Wolfgang; Milačić, Filip; Schäfer, Andreas


Neue Wege zur Demokratisierung der Demokratie
Vienna, 2021

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Georgia's political landscape

Georgia's political landscape

Diversity, convergence and empty spots
Tbilisi, 2021

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Unequal Europe

Hacker, Björn

Unequal Europe

Tackling regional disparities in the EU
Stockholm, 2021

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Ett ojämlikt Sverige

Ett ojämlikt Sverige

Regionala socioekonomiska skillnader i Sverige
Stockholm, 2021

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The negative impact of polarization on democracy

Milačić, Filip

The negative impact of polarization on democracy

Vienna, 2021

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Social democracy and state formation

Lortkipanidze, Levan

Social democracy and state formation

Tbilisi, 2021

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Italia diseguale

Fina, Stefan; Heider, Bastian; Prota, Francesco

Italia diseguale

Disparità socioeconomiche regionali in Italia
Rom, 2021

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Left behind by the working class?

Abou-Chadi, Tarik; Mitteregger, Reto; Mudde, Cas

Left behind by the working class?

Social democracy's electoral crisis and the rise of the radical right
Berlin, 2021

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România inegală

Fina, Stefan; Heider, Bastian; Raţ, Cristina

România inegală

Disparităţile socio-economice regionale din România
Bucharest, 2021

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An inegalitarian France

Le Bras, Hervé; Warnant, Achille

An inegalitarian France

Regional socio-economic disparities in France
Stockholm;Paris, 2021

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Unequal Finland

Unequal Finland

Regional socio-economic disparities in Finland
Stockholm, 2021

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Eriarvoisuuksien Suomi

Eriarvoisuuksien Suomi

Alueelliset sosioekonomiset erot Manner-Suomessa
Stockholm, 2021

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Democracy and the state of emergency

Kacarska, Simonida; Milacic, Filip

Democracy and the state of emergency

Functioning of institutions in times of crisis
Belgrade, 2021

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Transformation of the left

Kitschelt, Herbert; Häusermann, Silja

Transformation of the left

Strategic options for social democratic parties
Berlin, 2021

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Transformation of the left

Transformation of the left

The resonance of progressive programs among the potential social democratic electorate
Berlin, 2021

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Transformation of the left

Transformation of the left

The myth of voter losses to the radical right
Berlin, 2021

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(Unheard) calls for democracy from below

Pudar Draško, Gazela; Džihć, Vedran; Kmezić, Marko

(Unheard) calls for democracy from below

Social and protest movements and potentials for democratic renewal
Sarajevo, 2020

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Enhancing the EU's democratic legitimacy

Plottka, Julian; Müller, Manuel

Enhancing the EU's democratic legitimacy

Short and long-term avenues to reinforce parliamentary and participative democracy at the EU level
Brussels, 2021

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Citizen participation during the Covid-19 pandemic

Falanga, Roberto

Citizen participation during the Covid-19 pandemic

Insights from local practices in European cities
Lisbon, 2020

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Youth, structured dialogue and EU integration

Peci, Dafina; Gezka, Ergys

Youth, structured dialogue and EU integration

A remarkable and sustainable path
Tirana, 2020

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Human rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina 25 years after "Dayton"

Lučka, Dejan

Human rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina 25 years after "Dayton"

(The reemdy for the bloody conflict as today's ground for human rights)
Sarajevo, 2020

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On the perils of popular presidential elections

Bértoa, Fernando Casal

On the perils of popular presidential elections

Tbilisi, 2020

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[On the perils of popular presidential elections]

Bértoa, Fernando Casal

[On the perils of popular presidential elections]

Tbilisi, 2020

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Radical political engagement in Southeast Europe

Radical political engagement in Southeast Europe

Sarajevo, 2020

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Verändert die Krise das Parteiensystem?

Schroeder, Wolfgang; Ten Elsen, Jennifer

Verändert die Krise das Parteiensystem?

Berlin, 2020

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Werden rechtspopulistische und -extremistische Kräfte in der Krise erstarken?

Mannewitz, Tom

Werden rechtspopulistische und -extremistische Kräfte in der Krise erstarken?

Berlin, 2020

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Progressive democracy promotion

Jobelius, Matthias; Steinhilber, Jochen

Progressive democracy promotion

What we can learn form history for securing the future of democracy
Berlin, 2020

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A lockdown for independent media?

A lockdown for independent media?

Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the media landscape and press freedom in Central and Southeast Europe ; Working paper
Budapest, 2020

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Make EU economic policy accountable

Plottka, Julian

Make EU economic policy accountable

How to reinforce the democratic legitimacy of European economic governance
Berlin, 2020

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Make civil society involvement bottom-up

Plottka, Julian

Make civil society involvement bottom-up

How to reinforce participative democracy at the EU level
Berlin, 2020

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Make European elections more meaningful

Müller, Manuel

Make European elections more meaningful

How to reinforce parliamentary democracy at the EU level
Berlin, 2020

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Democracy and the state of emergency

Democracy and the state of emergency

New upsurge of the Corona crisis in the Western Balkans, Croatia and Slovenia ; Report four
Belgrade, 2020

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Reform in Ukraine: change for the better or an imitation of progress?

Reform in Ukraine: change for the better or an imitation of progress?

Kyiv, 2020

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Wird die Pandemieerfahrung den gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalt stärken?

Vogelsang, Frank

Wird die Pandemieerfahrung den gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalt stärken?

Berlin, 2020

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Democracy and the state of emergency

Democracy and the state of emergency

Easing measures and rising tensions in the struggle with the Corona crisis in the Western Balkans, Croatia and Slovenia ; Report three
Belgrade, 2020

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Vote of no-confidence and the formation of a new government in Kosovo-Challenges and way out for a functional parliamentary democracy

Muharremi, Robert

Vote of no-confidence and the formation of a new government in Kosovo-Challenges and way out for a functional parliamentary democracy

Prishtina, 2020

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Democracy and the state of emergency

Democracy and the state of emergency

Political battles emerging out of the Corona crisis in the Western Balkans, Croatia and Slovenia ; Report two
Belgrade, 2020

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Democracy and the state of emergency

Democracy and the state of emergency

Responses to the Corona crisis in the Western Balkans, Croatia and Slovenia ; Report one
Belgrade, 2020

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Values at stake

Values at stake

Southeast Europe: a normative marketplace?
Sarajevo, 2020

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The LGBTI movement in Cyprus

The LGBTI movement in Cyprus

Activism, law, and change across the divide : Report 2019
Nikosia, 2020

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Agency for change

Agency for change

Alternative democratic practices in Southeast Europe
Sarajevo, 2019

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The challenges of national identity politics in Western Europe

Milačić, Filip

The challenges of national identity politics in Western Europe

Learning from the Montenegrin Example
Belgrade, 2019

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The party system in Bulgaria

Karasimeonov, Georgi

The party system in Bulgaria

2009 - 2019
Sofia, 2019

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Vertrauen in Demokratie

Vertrauen in Demokratie

Wie zufrieden sind die Menschen in Deutschland mit Regierung, Staat und Politik?
Bonn, 2019

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Reclaiming action

Reclaiming action

Strategien progressiver Parteien in Zeiten des wachsenden Rechtspopulismus in Dänemark, Norwegen, Schweden und Deutschland
Stockholm, 2018

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Reclaiming action

Reclaiming action

Progressive strategies in times of growing right-wing populism in Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Germany
Stockholm, 2018

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Das andere Demokratiedefizit

Das andere Demokratiedefizit

Wie die EU Demokratie in ihren Mitgliedstaaten schützen kann
Berlin, 2018

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